How Long Do Drugs Stay In Your System?

Graph of average times drugs show up in your urine

The exact amount of time a drug stays in the body will vary according to factors like the dose, the person’s age, weight, and sex, and physical health.However, according to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, some average times that drugs will continue to show up in a urine drug test include the following:[1]

Heroin: 1-3 days.

Cocaine: 2-3 days.

Marijuana/THC: 1-7 days.

Meth: 2-3 days.

MDMA: 2-4 days.

There is no way to completely predict just how long a drug will take to be eliminated from your body. The only way to know you’ll pass a drug test is to abstain from drugs. To estimate the effects of drug addiction on a person’s long-term physical health, check out our addiction calculator.

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